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Underground Tanks in a Massive Microrebar Concrete Uber Refinery Complex Out West supports gradually moving the refineries and storage tanks off of sensitive and endangered marshlands and coasts away from hurricanes to West Texas with advent of a more robust road and train infrastructure.  Having a huge below deck micro-rebar concrete storage complex uberstructure facility as far as the eye could see would reduce the chances of massive fires and explosions, with little oxygen able to reach longer cylindrical tanks with less surface area.  Service chambers could be evacuated of air and flushed with fire retardants.  On the gulf, all the systems have to be above ground due to the water table and flooding, as well as chemical safety regarding rusting and spills.  There is no rust in the desert and capturing chemical runoff would be a breeze with a universal micro-rebar concrete uberstructure laid first for 1/10th of the cost of normal rebar concrete, and twice as strong.  Access to the West Coast would be closer and using laser drilling would cut costs and time 10 fold for pipines and geothermal wells for power.  All put together by a new universal tooling and measurement standard backwards compatible with both metric and imperial.  Best of all we get off the coasts and turn pur fisheries back to productive unpoisoned habitat, but most of all the worry effect is not there, which is enough of a constitutional violation in and of itself in court, but of course a gradual change would be necessary, with the new trains and pipelines coming first.

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